today was a very long and interesting day.... quite emotional for a pregnant lady.
1. I was supposed to have my detailed ultra sound today at 9:40. For any of you who have been keeping up with my throwing up habits know that instead of being sick all day I am only now sick in the mornings and then pretty good the rest of the day. Well my day started at 7:45 when I walked to the washroom only to make it to my usual morning puke fest. Well good was what I was thinking. Eric went upstairs and got me a bowl of cereal which I ate rotating with a huge glass of water. Okay now one glass down 2 more to go. Because in order to have a good ultra sound you need a full bladder. By the second glass I was feeling really sick again but taking deep breaths and still drinking. Because I only had a few more minutes to drink all the water before my time limit of 90 minutes before appointment would be past. By the third cup I knew I was going to have to lay there for a bit before moving so I would not lose it. So I did and about a half hour later got up and decided to take a hot shower.... what was I thinking. taking a
hotshower after having 3 huge glasses of water and not being able to relieve myself at all. It was painful I felt as if my kidney was on fire. So to my screaming Eric comes in the washroom. I am now standing right out of the shower. He looks at me and says, "do not even think about it, you are going to be fine." For he could see the look in my eye that I was about to be sick. I barely turned my head to the shower so that it would not hit Eric. Needless to say after 20 minutes of throwing up all the water Eric called the Dr. and reschedule to next week when hopefully my bladder will be more full. I love Ultrasounds.
2. Yesterday while cleaning the kitchen Eric and I noticed that there was some sort of moisture leaking down our wall and causing the paint to run. It looked like the blob was coming through the wall. Well yesterday Bill, our Pastor, boss, and landlord, came to look at it while mumering under his breath about how much he hates this house, saying "no worries Syb, tomorrow we will cut a bit of a hole in the ceiling and find the leak." Well Eric and Bill began this afternoon with a little hole trying to find the leak. Ha but with our luck no leak was to be found but the drywall had to come down that was wet to prevent Mildew which is one of Eric's biggest
allergies. So now the wall is just sitting open when tomorrow we might have better luck finding the problem but as Bill said tonight " Sybaroo, we might just have to keep the wall like that til the problem just occurs again." ahhhh. so funny.

3. Well inbetween the wall stuff Erin stopped by with her new puppy, Toby. She has had him for the last month or so and he is such a cute puppy but like a normal puppy he is in to everything. Her and I sat on the porch while Eric and Bill did their thing. But at one point Bill left and Eric had a bunch more to do, so Erin volunterred to help. The two of them left for 10 minutes maybe to get masks from the church to use while ripping the rest of the wall down. Erin asked if I would watch Toby and I agreed but inside since it was getting hot and I was feeling a bit sick. So I let him off his leash inside and he loved it. Well I was sitting on the couch watching him and he grabbed something from the kitchen and began to eat it. I got his attention and noticed it was the RAT POISON that we keep in the kitchen for the mice we sometimes encounter. My first instinct was to call Eric and tell them to get home right away. In my mind I was thinking I wanted Erin to be here when Toby took his last breath. As soon as I got off with him I called poison control to be informed that poison control was only a human service and that he would likely die but maybe call the vet. what? So I opened the phone book to Vet and called the first one I saw. and in this I am so glad the Lord is always in control. the secretary was very nice and informed me it would only cost about 175$ to have him brought in so they could make him vomit. I then simply asked if there was a way for me to make him vomit, she put me on hold then told me she was going to put me through to the vet. I was so excited, he took my call in surgery on speaker phone and proceeded to tell me what to do....measure 20ml of Hydrogen peroxide and make him drink it, wait 5 minutes to see if he throws up, if not give him 20 ml more, he said to always wait 5 mintues no less, and he said he would throw up 3 times if it works.
So by this point they were home, I had Erin hold him while I measured the Hyrdrogen Peroxide we then took him out side and forced him to drink it all. Eric stood by with a timer and by 3 minutes he was heaving. It was so pathetic and sad and I knew exactly how he felt. He threw up around 8 times and I called the vet who told me that was okay but force him to drink some water. oh Boy. what a day. he is now home and doing great. Thank you Jesus. I was so worried.

that was all before 6 and the day only got more exciting from there I am just so tired to even type more...