-working from home. I love having a home office, it enables us to be more hands on with our students. Because if you did not already know we live 2 blocks from 3 of the 4 highschools in Lethbridge, which makes it easy for the kids to drop in whenever they feel like it. Plus we are never home anyway. Our ministry is very hands on we are out and about meeting people where they are at. plus it is really nice because we are never in bed by midnight so it allows us to sleep in a tiny bit.
-wearing jeans to services. Bill, our pastor, never wears a tie. He actually only wears them at weddings and funerals. actually he wears jeans on Sundays, not blue jeans but his nicest khaki colored blue jeans. I usually wear a skirt to morning service but jeans and a hoodie to evening service and sometimes my slippers.
-waking up every Saturday super early to work at the church. Not only to work but construction. for example today I carried bricks , shoveled sand and gravel, hung drywall, made many trips to the lumber yard, learned how to use a nail gun ( which Bill said is like God, you need to respect Him and fear Him) and many other random gofer jobs. I love helping with the new fellowship hall building because I can see something growing. It is really neat to be involved with one of God's projects.
- fighting for space in the Sunday school room. it is like a running joke, everyone puts stuff in the original Sunday school room. actually right now everyone has been calling it the tool room because it is next to the construction and full or tools. So Sunday school is being held in a room we call the driver's training room. They rent it out twice a month or so. it is nice but I can't leave anything out and it drives me crazy.
-being the handyman at the church. if anything has to be done at the church we are called. Bill helps as much as possible and so does Connie who is the Janitor. but we paint, set up for events, fix speakers, or whatever needs to be done. Bill always laughs and says, "you mean they did not teach you all how to do this type of ministry in University"
and the list can go on, we always laugh with Bill about our Church, but is such a blessing in our lives. we love the oppurtunities that it provides. Everyday we learn more and more about serving God and working with Poeple.