But today it all really began. There must have been about 50 of us working diligently with only a few flour fights. A few people measured flour, a few mixed the flour, baking powder, and salt with shortening, then the eggs and vinegar got kneaded in, someone cuts the dough into little piles, and last but not least a group rolls the dough and places the dough into pie pans. Everyone worked in the church kitchen forever... also Eric and a few of the teens put together the boxes including stickers explaining the purpose. I loved my job tonight I worked kneading the egg mixture into the dough. A race was on to see which job could move the fastest, well atleast a race in my mind. But a few seemed to get into it or atleast enjoy my effort. It was so great to watch the body in motion. By the end of the evening I was covered head to toe in flour, thanks to Becca, and I also helped others feel a part of the fun. It is such an amazing opportunity to work side by side with so many in the church. When flour starts flying you really start getting to know people.
Now you must be asking yourself "why so many pies?" well it is simple. After selling them all we buy supplies to build a house in Mexico. I can't wait we leave in about 40 days. My first time to Mexico and we will be staying at an orphanage. It is a dream come true for some... me.
Well tomorrow will be just as much fun.. we still have to peel the apples and mix them with the spices and put the pies together... oh and finish a few top crusts. I can't wait. Then as the day carries on people with get to pick up their pies and bake and enjoy or freeze for a later time.
I ordered 3. Mom said she would love to buy some so we got a couple so that we can enjoy them when she gets here in April...

Here is Erin showing off our mad mixing skills, she was also in on the race... and an excellent partner.

The pic of the two of us was so funny , Eric would not come into the flour room to work but for a few seconds he joined me for a picture and got flour thrown on him...

This picture is of half the room working so hard...

here are the trouble makers who were throwing all the flour around

and here is Eric with all of the boxes. come to find out they were all racing too. But look at them all and tomorrow they will be filled with APPLE PIES!
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