Hi-lights from our trip down south... Jan 10th- 24th
1. Provision
It has to start with God's provision. A love offering was taken at the Tab and the amount that we received for Christmas was 3dollars more then what our tickets cost for the 4 of us to fly. God knew we needed this trip more then we even thought we did.
2. Home alone
You know that scene in Home alone when they are running through the airport. That was us. We were delayed in Great Falls so what was going to be an hour and a half in Denver turned out to actually be ten minutes. We landed at 4:40 and our next flight was leaving at 4:50. We were running as fast as you can with two little boys. They kept calling our names over head, "Hawkinson party of 4 please report to terminal 28" easy for them to say we were dashing from 89 all the way to the twenties. Every place to eat we passed Noah would say, "Mom I hungry." But we were so thankful that they held the flight for us.
3. Ludingtonville
We spent the first week with my side of the family. It was awesome, full of hanging out and checking out their new home and church. Such quality time. I was so thankful we had a full week with them. Noah couldn't get enough he was waking up as early as 5:30 and wanting to play right away. They all helped so much and it was a much-needed break for me. I was very thankful.
a. Lou Lou's Dino
b. Maddy's fort building with Noah
c. alot of church playground fun
d. Youth group (overwhelmed with the fact Lou is in Youth group, so proud of that amazing young lady)
c. quality time driving with Miranda to get Noah to sleep
d. New cousin pics.
e. “Uncle Tis” and Noah’s new dino book
f. our first official date night with out our two boys
4. Food
In between all the fun we got to eat at some of our favorite places. It is always a treat. We really try to limit ourselves at home how much we eat out but when we are in OK we splurge.
5. Hawkinson’s Home
For the second week we stayed at Eric’s folks home in OKC. It was nice to get to see everyone so much. We saw all of Eric’s grandparents, cousins, and a few of our friends in between everything. Teresa was able to take a few days off so it was fun running around with her.
a. Price is Right breakfast with Depaw
b. Cousin time playing/fighting
c. Grandparents
d. Seeing Brent’s work
e. A windy day at the outlet mall
6. Friends
We never seem to get enough time to catch up with our friends. It is always hard trying to squeeze them in. We were thankful for the time we were able to get either running into people or visiting with them.
7. Home
As much as I need to see our family and have a bit of a break from normal life, it was so great to get back home. It has been a bit rough getting the boys back to normal routines but we are almost there and it was well worth it.

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