Friday, August 14, 2009

What a good day.

Today was great. We finished the babies room today and now we can start moving things into the room and finally get things organized upstairs. It feels good to have it all done. Ashley and Erin helped us paint. After that we had dinner that sybil made, it was fabulous. She's the best. Then the girls went to the movie mill to go see the proposal. They said it was good. I stayed home and finished my dinner because they all had to eat on the run and I watched Transformers. Now the girls are looking through some of our scrapbooks. Syb's so great at taking photos and stickers and turning them into a beautiful way of looking at memories. Well I'm sitting on the couch and watching Conan but I think I'm ready for bed. What a good day. Goodnight.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

What a wonderful world we live in.

Today was a great day. We woke up early and started to get things ready to go to camp for a couple of days so that we could do some work up there. No matter what we do up at the camp I always love to go there. It is one of my favorite places in the world. It is so full of memories and wonderful stories that always bring a smile to my face, and yes, sometimes it does bring a tear to my eye. For those of you that don't know me I'm a bit emotional. A good card, a good movie, or a great story it doesn't matter, I've been known to let a couple of tears go. But anyways back to the camp. I just love it up here. Today we've been working on cleaning the floors and sealing them because it's been a while since they've been sealed. But now it looks like its a brand new floor. It's just beautiful. Erin, Ashley, Bill, Barb, Sybil and I all drove up here together to do some work. And Cody met us up here. Tomorrow we are doing the floors that go into the guys dorm and the main downstairs hallway and into both of the bathrooms. It should be a good time. What a wonderful world we live in. Well I think I am going to head to bed if you care to know. It's 12:12 our time and I'm quite tired. Jon Foreman is the best music to listen to while you are journaling. Just thought I would throw that in there. Goodnight.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

What a last couple of months...

Well the last couple of months have been crazy but they've been amazing. It's been a great summer filled with a trip to Oklahoma City, then Syb's family came up here for a family reunion then we headed up to the camp for Family Camp and then we had Jr. Teen camp and then we had Sr. Teen camp. They were all wonderful weeks filled with laughter and quite a lot of memories were made. It was a lot of fun. Now we are just getting things ready for the baby. Only a couple more weeks before our little guy takes his first breath of fresh air and we get to take a look at his face. I haven't even seen his face but I love him with all of my heart. I can't wait to see him and hold him and hear him cry. I am scared, nervous, and excited all at the same time. It's going to be a new and amazing adventure that I get to experience and go through with my best friend. I can't wait. Here we go.
